Reflection 2 - So it begins
Looking back over my first reflection, I can see I was getting comfortable with some theories of school librarianship, most specifically the need for an information search process. Now the readings and assignments seem more entrenched in the realities of the job, in looking at the particulars of how to transform the theory into a workable reality. When I took my current position as a media specialist, I had so much to get up to speed on -- meeting the teachers, accessing and maneuvering in the district network, creating lesson plans, learning to use a Smartboard, document camera and on and on -- that I didn’t have much time for big picture thinking of how I wanted the media center to be. But I knew I wanted to move from this: to this: James Estrin/The New York Times And that’s where my library is headed, but I can see that I need to tweak, or in some cases overhaul, my lesson plans, particularl...