The Final Reflection...or is it?
Over the course of the last few weeks of the course, I've found myself singing this line from a Semisonic song over and over again: Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end... For me, the end of the class feels more like the beginning of my media specialist career than when I began back in the fall because now I've got such a better handle on what I'm doing -- or at least what it is I'm supposed to be doing. Initially, I think I was creating lesson plans without a very clear idea of where it was I wanted to take the students. Obviously I wanted to teach them to use the basic computer programs and learn to utilize the library's resources, but I didn't know how best to do that. In the beginning weeks of the class, when we covered Eisenburg and Berkowitz’s Big6 and other information search process models, I thought perhaps that's where I want to lead the media center curriculum -- toward teaching the kids how to search, so t...